ARBITER OF 2021 // 100

When I was younger my dad gave me some advice.

Gesturing first to his ears and then to his mouth, he said: “Two of these; one of this.”

By which he didn’t mean, “sit down and shut up” (though I’m sure there were plenty of times I needed to be told that too).

But instead, to “listen first and speak second.”

To not just wait for my turn to talk, but to truly hear people.

Their stories. Their needs. Their dreams. Their songs.

To fish my own thoughts, from the widest pool possible.

To humble my self, in order to better myself.

Sound advice.

Advice, like all good advice, that’s easier said than done, in a world of personality cults and infinite content.

But, in their own small way, I like to think these playlists are a testament to the power of listening.

For ten years now, I’ve been trying to listen.

Far and wide. New and old. Loud and quiet.

And then, at the bitter end of the year, I share back the best of what I’ve heard.

A hundred songs from a hundred artists, who’ve helped me feel, heal and deal this year.

And I’d be honoured, if you’d listen too.
